Thursday 25 October 2012

Creepy crawlies


Night one was fine here… A little bit of getting used to the camping idea – keeping clothes off the floor but with no cupboard or shelf space. One rather tense moment came as I got into bed and lifted my bag off the floor to see a small scorpion scuttle out from underneath it. Poor guy didn’t know what hit him, but the last thing he heard was a high-pitched scream like a ululating woman at an illegal mineworker’s strike before a shoe sent him on his way.

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The mission clinic just behind our camp

Our camp from the top of a nearby water tower for the clinic

Night two, however, heralded the news that three snakes had already been killed over the last few weeks by the security guards watching the helicopter and fuel dump, and that someone had just been stung by a scorpion on his hand and was in agony. Clearly living here was a serious activity and it was just a matter of time before I would be stung or bitten causing pain so great that I too would wish to be crushed with a giant shoe by a ululating striker. Night two was one of paranoia and fear. I walked to the bog with my torch sweeping frantically in front of me, I tried not to pee in Morse code, tensing up at every moving shadow or flickering of a moth, and I checked every inch of my bed, sleeping bag and tent floor for any lurking beastie… And I survived the night.

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The shower set up. The tank lying on its side and if you look closely to the left, the shower heads

They put a roof over the bogs!!! Its like trapping your head under the duvet with the worst fart ever!

Since then I have established a routine of slow walking, frantic torch sweeping and bed inspecting and have relaxed. Unfortunately if it happens it happens and I’ll have to deal with it then. Roughing it like this is also becoming less of an issue, so I’m likely to make the full 8 weeks without losing my mind. The food here is surprisingly good too. The chef has apparently worked at a couple of Safari camps, and has been baking bread and cake, preparing full English breakfasts every morning, and has made a lasagne and quiche for lunch. I’m gonna get fat here!

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One of many little beasties around the camp

The airstrip we use. We have to put the loop into one half of the apron space next to the runway

1 comment:

  1. Great attitude. Good for you! Glad you can at least eat well. You'll never put on weight. Love xx


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